Hearts of Iron 4 (HOI4) How to Install Mods

Most Paradox Interactive games reach their peak by using community-made mods. This is due to the fact that these grand strategy games offer an amazing canvas for the fans to work with.

Hearts of Iron 4 is no different, as it has an incredible base for many of the community modders to use and build up their own versions of the game.

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With mods allowing you to live alternate history to small miscellaneous changes that make the experience better with extra focus tree, most players will want to get at least a mod or two in their HOI4 game.

To install mods in HOI4, you have to download the mod folder and .mod file from one of the safe modding communities’ websites and place them in the “mod” folder for Hearts of Iron 4.

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How to Install Mods in HOI4

Depending on what website you are using, you will often not need to do anything to install HOI4 mods.

If you have HOI4 on Steam, you can just subscribe to mods on the Steam Community Workshop and get them to automatically install.

You can also use the Paradox Mods website to automatically install mods for your HOI4 game as long as you have an account.

However, if you want to download the files and install them yourself, here is how to install HOI4 mods:

  • Find and open the folder in this directory: “\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod\”. If there isn’t a mod folder in the Hearts of Iron IV folder, create one.
  • Paste the folder for the downloaded mod along with the .mod text file that should come with the mod files.
  • Start the Paradox launcher and create a Playset with the mod in it.
  • Start the game.
  • Usually, if you’ve managed to place the mods in the right directory, everything should become very easy.

    If you’re not sure what the .mod file is, here is an example of what you find in a zip file containing a mod:

    The Great War mod that brings you to 1910 will have a zip containing a folder called “The Great War”.

    Inside that folder, you will find a “mod” folder. Usually, you can just copy that folder and paste it into your Hearts of Iron IV directory.

    However, if you want to see how the actual mod files look, open that folder and find the “thegreatwar” folder and the “TheGreatWar.mod” file.

    These two are the only things you need in there for the Paradox launcher to find the mod and enable it to be used.

    That’s everything you need to know about how to install mods in Hearts of Iron 4!

    Have any input or suggestions for this guide? Let us know in the comment section below.
